An Allegory

In the Time of Covid

A scarcity has come over the land
touching many
in different ways.

There are those
who live in the shadows,
of aloneness,
who are suffering
from hunger,
a painful wrenching hunger,
their sustenance,
infrequent as it was,
like a cup of water,
a crust of bread.

They hunger for more,
the wait has been long
and agonizing.
Sometimes they call out,
sometimes they fall into silence,
the silence of resignation
not knowing when this will ever end.

There are some others who reach out,
asking: how are you,
often not waiting for an answer,
not lingering with the feelings expressed,
but rather rushing forth
coming and speaking out
from their own safe bubble
of well-being,
the richness of comforting food,
the warmth of togetherness,
quickly offering what they call "hope",
saying: Just wait,
it is winter now
but in the spring and summer,
things will be different,
there will be food for you
you just have to be patient.

I ask you:

How does this hope feed
the one who is feeling so depleted,
not daring to dream
of a warm, comforting meal
tor fear
the despair of this lack
will rob them of the will
to carry on?

How does the promise
of plentitude in the spring and summer
sustain you now
in this time of utter deprivation?
When there is just
a cup of water,
a crust of bread ....
from time to time.

Don't speak to me
of the promise of spring and summer.
Be with me now.
Don't say: I hear you.
Feel me and my hunger.
Your loving recognition
of my deprivation
is the comfort,
the food
my soul yearns for.

I am Safe


A Leap of Faith