A Leap of Faith
I wish
for my spirit to have the grace,
And lightness
To rise up high,
Leave the ground below,
and Leap and dance
in the air with abandon,
The way my very young cat does.
I envy him in this transport,
His lack of concern
Of what might come in after.
It is an invitation
To me to leave
The confines of my mind,
Feel the vastness of what is,
Relinquish myself to it all,
And be, just be
in this very moment
As if it were the last.
for my spirit to have the grace,
And lightness
To rise up high,
Leave the ground below,
and Leap and dance
in the air with abandon,
The way my very young cat does.
I envy him in this transport,
His lack of concern
Of what might come in after.
It is an invitation
To me to leave
The confines of my mind,
Feel the vastness of what is,
Relinquish myself to it all,
And be, just be
in this very moment
As if it were the last.