Through the lens of Time

On the last day
of the second decade
of this century
we look back
at what we have done,
what we wish we had done,
and what we wish we had not.

Do we see it clearly?

Is hindsight really 20/20?
Or only when we say
to others how they could have
done it better, differently?

Do we turn,
turn then with relief
to look ahead
ahead to the year before us?

This year, named 2020,
could inspire us
to look ahead
with clarity,
to see the future, sharply defined,
and we are determined
to find our blind spots,
falling not prey to tunnel vision,
shun moral degeneration,
succumb not to nearsightedness,
shed rose-colored glasses,
compelled to tear off the veils
that hide the truth
of our wants,
our wishes
our lives,
stripped of all magnifications,
to stand naked
in the face of this new beginning,
this new year,
this new decade,
with all its demands,
challenges and promises.

Do we then
shout with Joy:

"I can see clearly now"?

Welcome Year 2020

It is not just a number,
a decade,
but a moment in time,
this moment in time
where we are given
the gift of vision,
to create each minute
of our lives anew,
inspired and enlightened,
as we walk into the future.



This is Now